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Home Fires Risk Reduction Tips

Our fire restoration experts review some tips to prevent house fires.

Here at Action Restoration and Property Services, we are honored to be Northern Colorado’s preferred fire and smoke restoration company of choice. However, we’d much prefer if our services were never needed and we got to interact with our clients on better terms. We work closely with community organizations and companies in an attempt to educate and empower homeowners to prevent fires before they begin. In today’s post, we’ll review some tips to prevent becoming one of our fire restoration clients.

1. Never Leave Cooking Unattended

It is estimated that nearly 50% of house fires originate in the kitchen while food is being cooked. It only takes a few seconds for sparks to ignite and a full fire to break out within any one of the heating elements used to cook food. Never leave ovens on when you are not home or grease cooking when you are not standing watch. If you have to leave the kitchen, it’s best to turn off all heating elements before doing so. Clean ovens and toasters regularly, and keep a fire extinguisher somewhere in or near the kitchen.

2. Inspect and Maintain Heating Sources Regularly

House fires may very well be triggered if your home heating sources including furnaces and fireplaces, are not working properly or are dirty. Heaters, furnaces, and air conditioners should be inspected by an HVAC professional at least annually with regular cleanings. Fireplaces should be well-maintained and cleaned between uses. Water heaters should also be inspected at least annually.


3. Clean and Inspect Dryers Regularly

3% of house fires begin in the laundry room as a direct result of malfunctioning or dirty dryers. Dryer lint is an excellent kindling for fires and is exposed to a direct heat source. Although a properly functioning dryer does not get hot enough to spontaneously erupt into flames, in conditions where there is enough lint, enough heat, and a spark, a house fire can occur very quickly. Clean out dryer hoses regularly and ensure lint traps are cleaned out between every load of laundry.

4. Store Flammables Properly

A number of household items are flammable and have the potential to explode or ignite under the right conditions. If possible, store all paint thinners, lighter fluid, and garden chemicals in the garage, away from a heat source, and in an area away from pets and children. Household cleaners and products under pressure like hair spray should be kept in cool, dry areas away from heat or electrical sources. Always follow product directions properly to avoid danger.

Some fires are preventable while others are just a matter of perfect conditions and bad timing. When disaster strikes, know that Action Restoration and Property Services is here to help you and your family recover. When you contact us for fire or smoke damage restoration services, we’ll help you navigate the recovery from beginning to end, including working with your homeowner’s insurance company. For service you can count on by people you can trust, connect with Action today.