
Common Mold Found In The Home

Action mold experts offer an inside look at some of the common types of mold found in homes and which ones require our intervention.

If you’ve been following us for a while, you already know that we are Fort Collins’ mold experts, educating and eradicating Northern Colorado of harmful mold in homes and buildings. One thing we’ve learned over the years of helping more than 10,000 Front Range victims is how little they know about the silent predator invading their homes and impacting their health. So, today, we’ll take a look at some of the common types of mold found in homes and which ones require our intervention.

Did You Know…..

Many people already know that there are helpful and harmful funguses, but did you know that all of them serve a vital purpose in our world? While many fungi including mushrooms and yeast are common kitchen ingredients and fine to consume, equally as many fungi are harmful and some are downright lethal if consumed or inhaled. Did you know that there are more than 100,000 known species of mold throughout the world and more than 1,000 of them reside right here in Northern Colorado? Some molds, like penicillium, are useful to people, whereas others can make humans incredibly sick. Let’s take a look.

Common House Molds

Fusarium - this mold is common in warm, dark, moist environments, most notably in soil of household plants and outdoor gardens. This mold is fairly harmless to humans (in fact, it is fermented and used as a protein by many vegetarians!) unless it’s present in large quantities, but can do significant structural damage if left unchecked.

Chaetomium - a vicious consumer of building materials including wood, drywall, and wallpaper, this type of mold take up residence very quickly in areas that suffer water damage. This mold is difficult to control and easily spreads, causing severe health issues in those who come in contact with it. It causes asthma, hay fever, and, in some cases, lung cancer. This is one of the common molds that the team at Action Restoration and Property Services is called in to handle. To avoid chaetomium mold, call us for professional water damage restoration before mold settles in.

Aureobasidium - is a common opportunistic household mold. It takes up residence anywhere there is consistent moisture such as bathroom caulking, window wells, sinks, and toilets. It ranges in color from sage green to flower pink. Left untreated it can cause allergy symptoms, but it is incredibly easy to get rid of using normal household cleaning methods. To avoid this moldy menace, keep up on bathroom and kitchen scrubbing and take action if you notice pretty colors on surfaces that are prone to water contact.

Stachybotrys - is the toxic “black mold” that most people are aware of as the toxic mold that quickly infests humid areas including bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens in households and public areas. This mold is toxic to humans and animals, and long-term exposure can cause cancer. Black mold is often easy to see on walls, in the grout, and around faucets, but where it can be seen on walls, the problem is easily ten-fold worse beneath the surface and quickly spreads, so control of this mold is better left to the professionals.

If you’ve noticed mold in your home or building, no matter the type, be sure to consult with professionals before attempting to address the problem yourself. Common molds are easy to treat yourself with bleach solutions, whereas others are toxic and need to be professionally treated. The team at Action Restoration and Property Services is happy to walk you through the differences and run to the rescue where we are needed. We offer residential and commercial mold removal services to home and business owners as well as large-scale property management companies. To rid your life of mold, connect with us today!